We often hear that good posture is essential for good health. We recognize poor posture when we see it formed as a result of bad habits carried out over years and evident in many adults. But only a few people have a real grasp of the importance and necessity of good posture.

What is posture?
Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture is the correct alignment of body parts supported by the right amount of muscle tension against gravity. Without posture and the muscles that control it, we would simply fall to the ground.

One of the first indicators of poor posture is a slouching or forward head posture. This posture closes down on lymphatic drainage in the neck and will cause more strain on the posterior neck muscles. It also increases the weight bearing on the discs and can lead to premature arthritis of the neck. There are many causes of this type of posture including car accidents, sports injuries, working with computers and loss of bone density. Posture problems can also result simply from poor sleep habits or sleeping on mattresses that don’t offer enough support.

Bad posture: How can your Chiropractor help?
Your Chiropractor will effectively identify the problems that are at the root of poor posture by analyzing spinal curvatures, movement and alignment. There are ways that you can take action to prevent poor posture, but your Chiropractor will be able to pinpoint where and how the spine is not moving properly. The key to great spinal health and good posture starts with an evaluation from your professional and knowledgeable Chiropractor.

When you practice correct posture, your body is in alignment with itself. This can alleviate common problems such as back or neck pain, headaches, and fatigue. Being in good general health and standing or sitting tall will also boost your bearing and self confidence. Being able to assess someone’s posture could also lead you to reasoning behind an injury. Also, if a patient is having a knee, hip, or ankle problem it could be stemming from the back. A simple posture screening or spinal x-ray is one of the best ways to see the posture of your spine HAVE YOU BEEN CHECKED? 

• Changes in stance (e.g. the outward/inward turning of one or both feet)
• Leveling of the hips of pelvis
• Height differences across the shoulders
• Tilting of the head and neck
• Forward tilting of the pelvis
• Increase in the spinal curvatures
• Unusual changes in gait